Physical therapy clinic
At Muscleworx clinic we provide hands on treatment for all , work, postural & accident related injuries. Muscleworx, Nedville Sea Road, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow.

About Muscleworx
At Muscleworx clinic we provide hands on treatment for all , work, postural & accident related injuries.

We favor a hands on approach, which will usually involve deep tissue massage and muscle stretching techniques.

Deep tissue massage
Deep Tissue Massage breaks up and releases the built-up toxins by loosening the muscles

Nedville Sea Road, Kilcoole, Co. Wicklow. Contact Mark Mc Cormack at 0862783627
Mark Mc Cormick
Mark Mc Cormick is a member of the ANMPT ( Association of Neuromuscular Physical Therapists) and is recognised by LAYA ,GLO Health and AVIVA Health insurance.
Treatment is by appointment only click here for the booking form. You can also contact Mark Mc Cormick at 0862783627 or email Mark at