Conditions treated

Hip pain & dysfunction

Dysfunction ,injury & degeneration of the hip joint are common complaints across all age groups.


Hip dysfunction may be the result of many injuries or disease process. Arthritis ,spondylitis, postural problems,trauma to the hip,improper lifting,chronic dynamic bending & twisting are all posible causes of pain


Pain in lower back,buttocks or back of the thigh.pain may increase during movement or weight bearing on effected side. A feeling that the leg or hip is rotated may also accompany this

Hip pain can be one of the main causes of gait impairment in all age groups from children to adults.

effects of tight muscles on hip & lower back

effects of tight muscles on hip & lower back


one of the main goals in treatment is to restore normal gait ,as walking is one of the most essential activities to maintaining good health.the hip joint is more susceptible to degenerative conditions than to traumatic injury.

trigger point referral paterns

trigger point referral paterns

trigger point referals from the hip muscles can cause lower back pain ,knee pain & even as far away as the ankle .

Factors that can influence hip pain &dysfunction

  • Previous trauma, leg length inequality ,chronic low back pain & sacroiliac joint pain all create compensations through the hip region ,causing uneven weight distribution through the joints.

Muscle imbalance generates abnormal movement through the joint , which will lead to an imbalanced stress on the cartilage in the joint .tight muscles will add a compressive load on the area & hyper-tonic muscles easily tear & are more susceptible to strain &injury

when you come for treatment we will first take a full history,as this can have a huge impact on resolution of your condition .we believe that the whole story is needed to get the treatment right for you. this will be followed by hands on examination ,from this we will discuss our findings & a treatment plan will be devised & dicussed with you.


effects of hip dysfunction on rest of body

effects of hip dysfunction on rest of body

we never know how many treatments will be required ,however we continually assess the progress of treatment .generally a difference will be noticed after 3 too 4 treatments usually dependant on how chronic the dysfunction has become .